Yes, it's really been 2 months since I last blogged! I have since moved 4 miles to a "farm" nearby and have been so busy with that, I just could not justify blogging about everything going on at once. I'm in the full thick of Farmer's Market season and I started a market AND I am a vendor at my very first ever market. Crazy?!? YES! But I am loving every minute of it. I think hubby and I were made for the farm. We are thoroughly (and I mean thoroughly) enjoying the freedom of living in the country again. I'd love to fill in the gaps between then (last bog) and now, but then I'd never be sitting here starting this back up...SO, I'm just gonna jump in right where I'm at.
Gardening: The last two weeks I've been harvesting these beaut's (Radishes that is). I made a delicious pesto using the leaves from the radishes I harvested the week before market started. I looked around the internet and I modified a few different recipes to make it my own. I passed out samples with the pesto spread on wheat thins and thinly sliced radish on top (the white icicle's were the best). My husband took one bite and much to my surprise went back for more. He is determined that there is something in that pesto that his body needs. It gives him a little zing of energy and a nice warm feeling inside. As you can imagine, I'm pushing this pesto on him every chance I get. Maybe we found a cure for bipolar!
Baking: We found baked goods to be a success the first week at the market so I'm not holding back for this week and have been inspired to try way too many things I'm sure...but you's my latest project so what do you expect.? I'm blogging right now as I try my hand at "Blessing Cookies" (formerly known as "Fortune Cookies"). I'm putting bible verses about blessings in each cookie. My 10 year old is at least amused as he sits here at 11:30 pm and waits for me to pull the next batch and burn my fingers...again. I am amused each time he reads a verse before he hands it to me to put in and he says, "I do NOT get it." I mean what's not to get about Jesus saying "Count yourself blessed every time someone cuts you down or throws you out, every time someone smears or blackens your name to discredit me." I do like "The Message" at times. Anyway, I hope to post some pictures.
Daniel: We've entered our 2nd portion of the Daniel study which begins the teaching on "End Times" events. And as "Loverboy" sang, I too am "lovin' every minute of it." I'm anxious to find out more about this "little horn" Daniel saw and John also spoke about in Revelation. Something from a familiar verse popped out at me for the first time...God always lures me ito Himself with new revelation. Revelation 13:8 "All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world." I've always had this fear of being one of the deceived ones, but this verse set my mind at ease as it is those who are not written in the book of life that will worship the beast. I know I am written in the book of life...I guess if we see those who are deceived and worshipping the antichrist, we will know their name is not in the book right? Am I speaking as though I think I will see this in my lifetime?Baking: We found baked goods to be a success the first week at the market so I'm not holding back for this week and have been inspired to try way too many things I'm sure...but you's my latest project so what do you expect.? I'm blogging right now as I try my hand at "Blessing Cookies" (formerly known as "Fortune Cookies"). I'm putting bible verses about blessings in each cookie. My 10 year old is at least amused as he sits here at 11:30 pm and waits for me to pull the next batch and burn my fingers...again. I am amused each time he reads a verse before he hands it to me to put in and he says, "I do NOT get it." I mean what's not to get about Jesus saying "Count yourself blessed every time someone cuts you down or throws you out, every time someone smears or blackens your name to discredit me." I do like "The Message" at times. Anyway, I hope to post some pictures.
In summary, God is good...very good. I amazed everyday at His mercy and grace. I don't say that as a cliche' Christian thing to say. I truly am amazed that He would continue to have mercy on me everytime I mess up and that by His continuous grace He sees me as a saint, blameless and holy by the Blood of His Son, Jesus.
This looks like and amazing time! I love the radishes. I would have never thought to use the leaves/stems. Great idea.