Monday, June 7, 2010

30 Day Challenge FINALE!

Thank you to all of you faithful followers! I am sooooo late on posting the results. Thinking I needed to have a picture has held me up, so I decided to go ahead and post without.

Anyway, I completed the 30 day challenge on Tuesday night with a weight loss total of 13 pounds. I was thrilled with that number and although the first 8 came off real quick, I had to fight for the the last 5.

WARNING: TMI ahead.....

About 7 days before the challenge ended, I began adding some really great yogurt to my smoothies. By really great I mean yogurt with some really good bacteria that isn't found in all yogurt and organic besides. 3 days after I began the yogurt....I had a breakthrough in the bowel area if you know what I mean. No, I don't mean constant diarrhea. I just mean big, healthy, nice and soft stools. And several each day. Over the course of the last days, I dropped the remaining 5 lbs. Sooooo....I chalk it up to some much needed bacteria being put back into my digestive system. Grossed out yet?

If you read my initial 30 day challenge entry, you may remember the 3 major "Why I am doing this Challenge." For those just joining, they are for the following:

1. Physical Health
2. Emotional Health
3. Spiritual Health

So as a summation of the 30 day challenge, I will address how this challenge has affected each of these areas.

1. Physical: The obvious weightloss. And I do have a lot more energy without those sluggish downtimes after meals I used to get when I would eat a lot of carbs and animal protein. My complexion is doing well (although the monthly flair-up has not yet been eliminated). I still have swollen sore joints in my hands although I did have a few days where I didn't. I've been sleeping well at night. I haven't gotten that dizzy, anemic feeling all month.

2. Emotionally: Like I have mentioned in blogs past, I don't feel as addicted to food as I did prior to this challenge. I'm not constantly searching for the next sugar fix or planning my day to make sure I have sugar available at all costs. The down side is seeing the sugar addiction in my children and so many Americans, but will continue to introduce better choices where and when I can control this aspect. (More on Emotional to follow below)

3. Spiritually: The 30 day challenge, at times, has reminded me of past periods of fasting I have done for spiritual reasons. Although this wasn't the purpose of this challenge, I found myself relying on God with every hunger pain and craving. Sometimes I gave in, and sometimes I relied on the strength He gave me to get through. I had originally said the spiritual reason I wanted to change my eating habits is so I would be able to fast on a regular basis without major health problems each time. It just so happens that a man in our community became very sick the last week of this challenge and the day after the challenge ended I was compeled to fast for the day for this situation. I was able to drink only water until 6pm that night when I broke the fast. I didn't lose energy, or have dizziness, or headache. Praise be to God.

As I mentioned in a few blogs back, I was contemplating starting a round of HCG. I decided to take the day of fasting and then begin the HCG the next day. If you are familiar with HCG, you have 2 full days of gorging on anything and everything you want with an emphasis on lots of fat. I know, I don't like the sound of it either...but when I did HCG before, I didn't gorge as much as I should and ended up starving the entire time and not really completing the protocol to the end. Soooo....let's just say I went to bed with a stomache the 2nd night of gorging. I basically ate everything in those 2 days that I had wanted to eat in 30. I wasn't even hungry for it and had to force myself to eat a lot of it (I have a friend to vouge for this...she was there). This is when I noticed the EMOTIONAL effects of the crappy food. I had a Burger, Cheeseballs, and a Hot Fudge shake from the local Valley Drive-In dripping with grease. An hour later, I was so incredibly grouchy I couldn't even talk myself into a good mood. This happened while my friend and I were cleaning the church (we do this the same day every week). The mood brought back to mind all of the other cleaning days I had the same feeling and realized I hadn't had that funky mood for several weeks. Soooo....I attribute it to the SAD (Standard American Diet) I was consuming previous to this 30 day challenge.

Where do I go from here?

Well, for the next 30 days I will be taking HCG drops and sticking to the 500 calorie per day diet. After that I plan to continue as much RAW food as possible. I have ordered the book "80/10/10 Diet" by Dr. Graham and plan to read and psych myself up again. Thank you everyone for joining me in the journey and for your encouraging words along the way.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day Twenty-Six thru Twenty-Eight PRPV

I am so close to completing 30 days!!!! Today is actually Day 29, which makes tomorrow Day 30!!!!!

I have stayed pretty true to the challenge, some ups and downs the last three days, but making it. I'm having hard time recalling all the details of the last 3 days, but will try to remember best I can.

Friday, Day 26:
Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Salad with Avocado, Raw Cheesecake
Snack: Don't remember
Supper: Applebee's Sante Fe Chicken Salad (balked on the organic chicken and forgot to order without cheese or sour cream...could have not eaten the sour cream..but it was there...I had to!!!)

Saturday, Day 27:
Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Salad with Strawberries and Avocado
Snack: Raisins and Banana
Supper: Club Casmo Salad Bar (Mary---if you're reading this, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use real lettuce in your salads....that head lettuce is killin' me here)
Snack: Naked Juice

Sunday, Day 28:
Breakfast: Green Smoothie, Mocha (One of my besties' husband made it and delivered to me in my Sunday School class, so I HAD to drink it right??)
Lunch: Back to Club Casmo SAlad Bar (lettuce and watermelon...and a pickle)
Dinner: Taco Del Mar, Vegan Mondito Burrito, Chips and Salsa, and 1.5 crispy beef tacos. (Yes, I was starving from the nasty lunch)
Snack: Raw Brownie

Detox Symptoms: My back and feet are back to normal. More on detox symptoms on final day.

Obstacles: Well, my mother-in-law is here visiting which explains all the eating out. Two meals in a row with head lettuce is seriously killing me!!! Also, my back teeth are so sensitive it hurts to eat cold fruit.

Joys: Just feeling good....feeling really good. Clothes are looser, AND the scale finally tipped in my favor this morning. :)

Coming UP: I am going to start HCG drops Wednesday and looking into the Vegan Protocol. I am super excited to take the next step in this journey. ALSO, we have a new little girl in the house and I'm reading about feeding her a raw diet as well. She is a year and half Maltese/Toy Poodle named Bella!!! Feeding her a raw diet ALSO involves learning how to debone a whole chicken which I am super excited about. Found the YouTube just need to buy a super sharp knife! This Project Junky will not be without a project for awhile again!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day Twenty-Three thru Twenty-Five PRPV

So, I've gotten a little behind on the blogging, but still plugging away at the 30 day Challenge.

Tuesday was Day 23 and a good lesson about eating at Monterrey. For lunch I had a bean burrito and forgot to say, "no cheese, please." I felt so sluggish and yuck all afternoon. Not to mention the beans did a number on me. But it was worth meeting a friend for lunch and rekindling our friendship. I should have had a raw meal for supper, but we were having company and I made spaghetti and I didn't want to make them uncomfortable by not eating what I cooked. And I must mention that I made Raw Cheesecake for Bible Study group and I indulged in a sliver.

Wednesday was Day 24 and basically a repeat of Monday, Day 22. I painted on my dad's crew again so did a lot of physical labor aka sweating out toxins, ate a salad at Casmo's, some fruit for snacks, lots and lots of water...think I hit a gallon. For supper, I made Pasta Primavera. And still working on the Cheesecake.

Thursday, Day 25. Smoothie for breakfast. Celery with PB. Salad with Avocado, Tomato, and Dressing at the park with friends. Snacked on SUN CHIPs and Kettle CHIPS. Pear. More Sun Chips (I probably had 15 chips over the course of the day). Apple with PB and Honey. Today was a VERY HARD day. I just did not feel full, my body felt worn down, fruit did not taste good, and I just craved salty, crunchy food. For supper I had a guest for supper and taught her how to make Tilapia. I also made mashed potatoes (to score points with my Babe) and green beans. Small little piece of cheesecake.

5 DAYS LEFT!!!! Then I am hoping to score some HCG drops for a 30 day run and then back to PRPV. That's my plan for today anyway.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day Twenty-Two PRPV

Yesterday (Day 21) came together pretty good for me. I worked with my dad on a house painting job, so I burned some major calories in the hot sun and ate me some watermelon!

Breakfast: Smoothie
Snack: Cashews, Watermelon
Lunch: Chef Salad at Casmo's (no cheese, no ham)
Snack: Watermelon
Supper: Chicken Soft Tacos/Salad
Snack: Raw Brownie

Water: A Gallon at least

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day Twenty-One PRPV

Anyone miss me? I'm getting just a little behind with the busy week of getting the church ready and all. I did fall off the wagon so to speak yesterday. But unlike other times, I got right back on and didn't let it send me backward. At the Celebration Lunch after church I RESISTED the Broasted Chicken and Cheezy Potatoes, ate my salad some green beans and pickles (no, not all raw), and treated myself to a piece of...........


Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and Whipped Cream.

I KNOW, RIGHT????????

I did suffer enough to keep from going back for awhile. Dizziness, Tired, and some major cramping that led me quickly to find a bathroom. Sorry to disappoint all of you faithful readers.

Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: See Above.
Snack: None.
Supper: Spinach with some home-raised chicken, and dressing
Snack: Left over Smoothie and a clementine

Detox Symptoms: uh...wouldn't call it detox...more like, toxin symptoms with the above mentioned sugar overload.

Obstacles: Convinced myself I deserved it....and really, I don't regret it all that much.

Joys: I wanted to quickly go back to eating healthy instead of diving further into a sugar binge.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day Twenty PRPV

The eating is getting easier. It helps that I've been running around trying to get the new church ready and barely time to stop and eat. I guess it's good that I have to get a meal cooked for my hubby to eat when he gets home or I probably wouldn't stop to do that either.

Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Same salad as yesterday, orange slices
Snack: A few peanuts and raisings, and 4 or 5 M&M's. (Trail mix at a Baby Shower...I picked out the M&M's, but as they sat there I gave in...Thank you Bood for taking the rest off my hands....And Hey, I did resist the 5 different desserts sitting there calling my name), and a clementine and some leftover smoothie.
Supper: Stir-Fry Veggies over Brown Rice

Somewhere in there I had a couple cups of coffee and a raw brownie (as I passed the fridge from one job to another).
Water - 72oz

Detox Symptoms: Feet still hurt a little.

Obstacles: None....I thought I did well today.

Joys: Blah.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day Nineteen PRPV

Breakfast: Smoothie
Snack: Clementine
Lunch: Salad, Avocado, Dressing, Banana
Snack: 3 Clementines, Coffee
Supper: Rice, Pinto Bean, Organic grass fed beef, Jambalaya type dish I made up. Asparagus.
Snack: Banana

48 oz Water

Detox: My dogs are barkin' (My feet hurt), BAD! I thought it was from alot of standing but standing hasn't been more than normal so wondering if all the toxins are congregating in my feet???

Obstacles: None today. I did really well I think. Not enought water though.
Joys: Easy day of eating.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day Eighteen PRPV

I MUST eat at home tomorrow night! I realize I am stretching it a bit on my one cooked meal a day, using it as a crutch to eat a little less than par. To put everyone at ease (cuz I'm sure all of you think about this as much as I do...ha!), I am considering stepping it up a bit after 30 days.

I truly am in transition and I'm trying not to condemn myself for the transition foods I am holding onto for now. It has been about a year and half that I began transitioning from processed foods to whole foods and then to organic foods. It worked well for myself and my family to do this gradually. I lost 30 pounds in the process....and another 20 using HCG of which I gained back 10lb for a total of 40 lbs.

Anyway, I tried to cold turkey "go raw" several months ago and failed miserably and spiraled back into sugar addiction until I began this challenge. That is why I set up the exceptions this time that are somewhat based on knowing myself realistically and making room for my social lifestyle that isn't going to change anytime soon.

Those who know me well, know that I'm an all or nothing type of gal. When I do something new, whether it's a project, a diet, or changing a character trait......I have a hard time doing it until I have EVERYthing needed and can do it 100% and perfectly. If I can't, then I just assume not do it at all. Over the years, I've realized the stress this puts on myself and others in my life and I have tried to put this hang-up behind me. I fail at it A LOT.

Example: Square Foot Gardening. I've decided to switch to this type of gardening this year and couldn't be content to just do one box this year and add a few more next year. Instead, I wanted to switch the WHOLE garden to this and do everything by the book. Thinking about doing anything other than that, made me feel paralyzed and not willing to even have a garden. Oh....Lord, have mercy on me.

So back to this challenge. Of course I know 30 days is not going to change my life....BUT it was a time frame I was willing to commit. Maybe I'll continue after that, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll take a break and go back to it over and over. Maybe I'll eat Raw Brownies instead of Hot Fudge Sundae's with nuts for the next year. Maybe I'll eat one meal a day with meat instead of 3 the rest of my life. Maybe I'll crave a green smoothie instead of Perkin's Tremendous Twelve for breakfast. I really, really hope some new improved habit will come from this 30 days. If nothing else, I've discovered the Raw Goodness of Raw Desserts. Maybe I'll be in transition for the next 10 years. Again...Lord, have mercy on me. Free from this addiction to food.

Breakfast: Green Smoothie
Lunch: 4 Mangos, turned into a smoothie after boredom of eating several bites. Smoothie made with mango, papaya, strawberry, yogurt, raw milk, 1/2 slice Raw Chocolate Pie
Snack: Cashews
Supper: Side Salad and 2 slices pizza (removed meat and as much cheese as possible without making a huge mess and losing the veggies)
Snack: Take a guess.....raw brownie.....why oh why won't I just reach for a piece of fruit???? Laziness, pure laziness. Brownies are pop-and-go. Fruit is wash, peel, cut, plate, napkin, fork, etc. Lame, I know....just being honest.

Water: 72 oz

Detox Symptoms: Very thirsty. Bad breath.
Obstacles: Above mentioned.
Joys: Not thinking about where I'm going to get my next sugar fix. Yes, people...sugar is a drug (crystal) and I don't want to downplay the struggles of true drug and alcohol addicts, but often times I feel I can relate when I recognize the lengths I will go to in order to feed the sugar addiction. Sick.

Thanks for listening everyone....

Raw Chocolate Pie

I totally cannot take credit for this recipe. I stole it from "I Really Like Food" and I have to say, "I reallllly like it." I modified it a bit according to my available ingredients and tried it out on our Bible Study group. Those that were brave enough to try it, Reallllly Liked It. I was asked for a rating and I have to say out of 5 stars, I give it 5 stars. So here's the recipe:

1/2 Cup Soaked Almonds (I always have a bowl of nuts, beans, or dates soaking somewhere)
3/4 Cup Pecans
3/4 Cup Walnuts
5 Pitted, Soaked Dates
2 Tbsp Honey
Pinch of Sea Salt

Place all ingredients in a food processor and chop until ingredients are mixed and stick together when pressed. Press into pie plate and set aside.

3 Avocados, Peeled and Pitted (How to Cut an Avocado Here)
1/2 Cup Honey
1 Tbsp Vanilla
1-1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
4 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

Place all the filling ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.

Scoop into pie crust and chill or serve immediately.

Let me know what you think or invite yourself over and I'll whip one up for ya!

Day Seventeen PRPV

Boy, I'm getting behind!! Two late nights in a row...and I'm procrastinating because I have fallen into temptation today. :(

Breakfast: 3 Bananas with Flax Seed
Snack: Raw Chocolate Pie (I really wanted to leave this out, but I had a buddy share with me, so I'm busted)
Lunch: Salad with various veggies, avocado, dressing, raw ricotta AND another piece of Chocolate Pie. The pieces ARE little slivers, so I think the 2 combined equals 1 average size piece.
Snack: Papaya Smoothie
Supper: 1 Organic, All-Beef Bratwurst, 1/2 potato, carrots and a piece of toast with all fruit Jam.
Snack: 4 Roasted Marshmallows (Who can resist this around a campfire?????) AND 4 marshmallows = 1 Serving = 90 Calories = Sugar High

Water: 96oz

Detox Symptoms: Am I even detoxing eating like this??? I did get some dizziness within 15 minutes of eating the marshmallows

Obstacles: The obvious temptations!! Help!! I feel myself slipping....just wanting to gobble up some Warm, Yummy, Rudi's bread. I don't really crave's the carbs , which I'm getting plenty from the fruit, but I sooooo want more!!! The camping atmosphere really brings longing for camping food. Oh...I did put some yogurt and raw milk in the Papaya Smoothie.

Joys: The marshmallows were REALLLLLY good.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Sixteen PRPV

Bible Study went until 11 last night, so no time to blog yesterday's events. Here is how it went:

Breakfast: 2 Bananas
Snack: Raw Brownie
Lunch: Vegan Mondito Burrito from Taco Del Mar
Snack: Coffee, Raw Brownie
Supper: Very small steak (from Morgan Farm), Green Beans, Potatoes, Salad, Fruit, Picnic in the park.
Snack: Raw Chocolate Mousse Pie, Coffee

Water: 64 oz

Detox Symptoms: Headache all morning...went away, came back again late afternoon. Dizzy a lot.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day Fifteen PRPV

As anyone as bored with this blog as I am??

Breakfast: 2 Pears
Lunch: Salad with Avocado, Cucumber, Mushroom, Tomato and Salad Dressing
Snack: Raw Brownie (I KNOW, RIGHT?), Banana
Supper: Chicken and Dumplings, Banana

Water: 48 oz

Detox Symptoms: Joint pain today, feeling light-headed.

Obstacles: I am really craving sugar and carbs and fruit is not making it go away. I'm just getting seriously bored with this food. Blech. "Juicy" fruit hasn't been real juicy here in Iowa. Had a not-so-great canteloupe and a so dry clementine I spit it out and threw it out the window.

Joys: There should be something joyful about eating like this? Yeah, that pretty much sums up how I feel today in regards to eating PRPV.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day Fourteen PRPV


Breakfast: 2 Bananas dipped in Flax Seed, Coffee
Lunch: Salad with Avocado, Apple, Mushrooms, and Cucumber
Snack: Green Tea Juice (Thank you Gitlins), Canteloupe
Supper: Graduation Receptions...ugh. A few potato chips, a scoop of macarani salad, 1 mint, and some frozen fruit...oh, and some nuts.
Snack: Salad with 1/2 Avocado, and some more yummy green tea juice

Detox Symptoms: Woke up dizzy but subsided after about an hour or so.

Obstacles: I was craving any kind of fatty anything...but did ok.

Joys: Clothes feel a very tiny bit looser...I mean tiny bit.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day Thirteen PRPV

And my 50th Blog Post!!

Weekends are hard.....hard to eat right, hard to keep track of eating right, and hard to report.

Breakfast: Smoothie
Snack: 2 Clementines
Lunch: (Eaten at the church with the other workers)...Mixed Greens topped with Mango Salsa, Carrots, 2 Clementines, 1 Bite of Rhubarb Dream Bar, Coffee
Snack: Naked Juice, Raw Brownie, Mocha Drink, Lick of Babe's Ice Cream Cone
Supper: (Babe cooked and we had two families over)...Fried Rice, Lo Mein Noodles, Chicken/Mushroom, Sauteed Veggies, Canteloupe/Mango/Clementine Fruit Salad
Snack: Ashamed to admit.....3 Raw Brownies and Coffee

Water: 48 oz :(

Detox Symptoms: Joint stiffness in right ring finger is gone and stiffness in right middle finger has lessened. I have had this for several months. I noticed because Babe said he noticed that his weren't hurting today. I wiggled my finger and was amazed that one finger had no stiffness and the other was noticeably less stiff.

Obstacles: Social events. Lunch was tempting and I made the Chicken Fajitas for the workers and could have had it as my cooked meal, but knew we were having friends over for supper and I knew it would be easier to modify lunch into a raw meal then it would be for supper. I think I overloaded a bit on grains though because I am feeling a little light headed and sluggish. Maybe just tired from a physical labor day.

Joys: Making better decisions then 2 weeks ago.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Twelve PRPV

Today began with a migraine that I struggled with beginning at about 5:00 AM. Detox Symptoms? I attempted to beat with Ibuprofen and prayer. It slowly died out and completely susbsided while chatting with a friend about all the wonderful things God is doing in our life. For that, I give Him all the glory, honor, and praise.

I've decided to resist weighing myself. I've always abided by the rule of only weighing once per week until I tried the HCG diet for one go-around where you weigh everyday. I guess I was expecting the same results of daily weight loss. No such luck. :( I am actually considering not weighing until 30 days is complete...but don't know if I can wait.

Breakfast: Green Smoothie (Various Fruit with Carrot Juice, Hemp Powder, and Spinach)
Snack: Red Pear, Coffee
Lunch: Taco Del Mar, Mondito Vegan Burrito (met hubs for lunch and watched him and the kids eat DQ and then went to get my own lunch afterwards)
Snack: 2 Bananas, Clementine
Supper: (Graduation Party) Small Vegan Sub, Mixed Fresh Fruit, Tortilla Chips, 1 bite of macaroni salad and 1 bite of some other salad, and I did give in and eat 2 mints (love them more than cake), a small handful of nuts and 2 sips of punch. Went a little overboard tonight, yes?
Snack: Raw Brownie, 1/2 Green Smoothie

Water: 72 oz
Calories: 86 under

Detox Symptoms: The aforementioned MIGRAINE.

Obstacles: Another social event....and shopping day, so on-the-go.

Joys: I got produce today!!! Excited for new fresh fruits & veggies.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day Eleven PRPV

Breakfast: Mango, Smoothie
Snack: Kale Chips (my own dehydrated)
Lunch: Salad, Avocado, Raw Ricotta
Snack: Raw Brownie, Red Pear
Supper: Chicken Fajitas
Snack: Granola, Raw Brownie, small smoothie

Water: 56 oz

Detox Symptoms: Felt very tired most of the day.

Obstacles: Craving sugar.

Joys: Friend made homemade granola and I love it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day Ten PRPV

So evidently I am NOT eating enough calories. By recommendation, I decided to track my calories today and also do some figuring for past days. It looks like I am coming in about 400 calories short each day of meeting the amount I should be consuming and still losing weight. I am sitting here trying to figure out what to eat before bed. With that being said, I gained 2lbs today and that is very disheartening.

Breakfast: Fruit Smoothie

Snack: Cashews, Red Pear, Raisins, Coffee

Lunch: Mixed Greens, Avocado, Watermelon

Snack: Naked Juice

Supper: Italian Wedding Soup (pictured), Red Pear

Snack: To be decided.

72oz water.

Detox Symptoms: None today.

Obstacles: Eating enough calories apparently. Resisting the tempation to snag a cookie or brownie at the Baccalaureate Reception tonight.....but I DID it!

Joys: Craving Fruit.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day Nine PRPV

The scale is not working in my favor. I'm REALLY hoping it is attributed to that monthly thing us women have to go through and a sudden drop will happen when it's over.

Breakfast: 1 Mango, 2 Bananas, Flax Seed, Coffee
Lunch: Garden Minestrone
Snack: Raw Brownie, Naked Juice
Supper: Grilled Farm-Fresh Chicken, Baked Potato, Lettuce Greens, Cabbage Slaw, Green Beans
Snack: Raw Brownie (OK...they are gone now!! And I did share.)

Detox Symptoms: Mild to slightly annoying headache all morning.

Obstacles: Time and being on-the-go as usual. Easy to grab a raw brownie and a Naked Juice rather then take the time to cut up some fruit (the jaw issue is preventing me from eating any fruit but a banana without cutting it first). Also, you may notice I had TWO cooked meals today. Just didn't feel right about letting perfectly good leftovers go to waste when it was so chock full of yummy veggies. Feeling like I am making excuses all the time....battling perfection or flight syndrome.

Joys: Just feeling a little less ruled by food and that is nice.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day Eight PRPV

Up 1lb, total weight loss 8lbs.

Breakfast: Smoothie, Coffee
Snack: Banana, Tea
Lunch: Salad Greens, 1/2 Avocado, nuts, apple, craisins
Snack: Raw Brownies, Coffee
Supper: Garden Minestrone, 1 Piece Rudi's Oat Bread
Snack: Smoothie and Banana

Did okay on the water....but should have drank more.

Detox Symptoms: Well...I started my monthly cycle with a bang! Irritable & crampy is putting it mildly. I didn't feel like doing much today, but still had energy most of the day. My right foot is still hurting and my eyes were red today (a detox symptom my mom had while detoxing one thought it was noteable). Dry mouth.

Obstacles: CRAVINGS!!! Chocolate especially. I overindulged in raw brownies, but at least I shared them with a friend over coffee. I just felt off today and felt hungry but didn't feel like eating if that makes any sense at all I don' t know. Sometimes I feel the need to hoarde my fruit in case I want to have a mono-meal. I hoping to have a couple of mm's tomorrow.

Joys: Hmmmmm...not a real joyful day today other than a good friend to share the day with. The Garden Minestrone was very good too! Oh....and I think it is the first day since I started that I had every meal and snack at that is an accomplishment!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day Seven PRPV

The RAW Brownies may seem like a bit of an indulgence, but I have given up A LOT of sugar! The brownies are made with Sprouted Almonds, Cocoa, Honey, Coconut Oil, and Dates. The "batter" is pictured below. I just take the "dough" and roll into individual balls, store them in the freezer. Yum-zee.

Now to Day Seven. The struggle of a social life on below.

Yahoo!!! I've completed Seven Days. Will post picture tomorrow...not that there is a noticeable difference!

I'm not giving a weight update today, because the scale was acting up a little. I wasn't able to get a consistent reading that I trusted, so we'll see what happens tomorrow morning which will actually complete 7 full days from when I started.
Breakfast: Smoothie with assorted fruit, spinach, and carrot juice and a truffle made by Kabs for Mother's Day.
Lunch: All Beef Brat (Organic Grass-Fed) Gumbo (Asparagus, Celery, Corn, Mushrooms, Meatless Organic Beef Broth) with Rice and Quinoa served over salad greens
Snack: Organic Milk Mocha Drink, Raw Brownie (Pictured)
Supper: Assorted Frozen Fruit and Nuts (served at graduation party), salad greens with avocado and Raw Ricotta.
Snack: Small Smoothie and Raw Brownie

Detox Symptoms: Last night shortly after I posted my blog, I sat down to eat a couple of plums and I got a sharp headache in my left temple. It lasted about 30 minutes and then passed. Beginning yesterday and continuing into today, my Plantar's Fasciatis has flared up on my right foot....not sure if this is a detox symptom or not. Also, my scalp is extremely dry and flaky...again not sure if it is detox or not....hubs wanted me to mention that my breath stinks....thanks babe. The mocha was a little too much....felt a little sugar dizzy after drinking (had raw cane sugar in it).

Obstacles: Ugh. Today was difficult. I was irritable again because of the social tempations I knew I would be faced with again today. I was very hungry this morning and ate later than I should have. I came home to lunch fixed for me and thankfully it was within the parameters of my guidelines. I just had to switch my idea of eating my raw meal from lunch to supper. We joined my mom at the Valley Drive-In for hot fudge sundaes and I brought my mocha smoothie and raw brownie with. Later, we had a graduation party to attend and I was so thankful to see they had a simple bowl of frozen fruit. I filled half a plate and went back for some nuts instead of cake for dessert. When I got home I sat down with a nice bowl of salad and filled my stomach. I had some sugar cravings today and once I got past lunch...I was able to sail through the day.

Joys: A relative I haven't seen in awhile came up to me at a graduation party to tell me how great I look and that she could see how hard I must be working at something. She said she had to look twice. Keep in mind, over the past year and half I have lost 40 lbs and am now building on that. It was just the words I needed to hear to encourage me to continue this 30 day challenge.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day Six PRPV

I think I can get used to feeling SO good. The most noticeable is NOT feeling like a nap after every meal.
Down 5.5 lbs for total of 9 lbs!!!! I checked and re-checked the scale settings. I hope I'm not disappointed in the morning with a new reading! Oh well, I feel great and that is what MOSTLY matters.

Breakfast: 3 Bananas with Chia Seed, 1 Cup Coffee
Lunch: Pineapple, Salad Greens, Avocado, Fruit Smoothie
Snack: Naked Juice, Raw Brownie, 1 Cup Coffee
Supper: Spaghetti Noodles, Sauteed Veggies, Tomato Sauce, Raw Ricotta, Salad Greens,
(Pictured above before cooking and below cooked and assembled) and a Banana
Snack: Not sure yet....thinking about some pears or plums.

TONS OF WATER AGAIN...getting easier!

Detox Symptoms: None today.

Obstacles: Lunch was with a group again. Our church has lunch together every Saturday for anyone who volunteers either at "The Light" or on the building project. I worked at "The Light" this morning and brought my own food in preparation. Well, I felt guilty for not putting my pineapple and salad out to share with everybody, soooo I piled my plate with about 1/2 as much pineapple as I wanted and filled the rest with salad....then I put the remaining out to share with everyone. I tried hard to cut up my avocado in secret, but pretty sure I was spied out on that one. Needless to say, I just felt funky throughout the entire meal as if I was hoarding my food or something AND I was left with an empty stomach.

Joys: Just as I was preparing to clean up after the church lunch and planning for a trip to my parents to grab some fruit to fill the hole in my stomach, I was offered a fruit smoothie made only from strawberries, bananas, and coconut milk. YUM!!! Also led to a great conversation with a guy who eats mostly Raw/Vegan. Also, no cravings again....well actually I do recall a couple of times I was actually craving fruit and salad. I've heard of this happening...but was caught off guard.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day Five PRPV

Down 1/2 pound maybe???? Total loss: 3.5 lbs if this is accurate.

Temptation was the theme for today!!! Sometimes I think I have too much of a social life for this regimen. More about this under "obstacles."

Breakfast: 3 Bananas, Chia Seed, Raisins, 2 Sips of Coffee (thank for using raw cream April!)
Snack: Citron Kambucha (1/2 bottle and then sipped it down the rest of the day), 1/2 Raw Brownie (Beginning of tempation on road trip to pick-up food co-op order).
Lunch: Potluck and Homeschool Co-op. This ended up being my cooked meal for the day. 3 small bites homemade mac & cheese that I brought so I knew the ingredients, 4 bites rotini salad, Sloppy Joe made with organic, grass-fed beef and organic ingredients on a homemade roll, lots of lettuce/spinach salad, lots of watermelon & mixed fruit, 1 bite of a scotcheroo, 1/2 piece of bread with raw honey.
Snack: Raisins, 1 Cup of Coffee, 1/2 Raw Brownie, Hot Tea
Supper: Lettuce/Spinach Salad with cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, avocado and homemade dressing
Snack: 1/4 of a pineapple (which my mouth is still hurting from), Detox powder

96 oz of WATER!!!!!

Detox Symptoms: Breaking out on my face continues. That's it today!! And endless trips to the bathroom due to all the water I'm drinking equals annoying!!!

Obstacles: The obvious temptation to put the challenge aside for the day and DIVE into the smorgasbord of other-people's-home-cooked-food. Not that I was hungry...just smelled so de-lish! I am happy with my decisions regardless. I am so grateful for a group of families that cook healthy! However, this very situation is the one thing that turns me off from making a long-term decision to eat this way. After all Jesus tells us not to worry about what we eat and I find myself giving a lot of thought and worry about what I will eat. I don't want to stick out and have attention drawn to me everytime I go to a social function because I have a plate full of fruit or worse have to bring my own food because of lack of options. No, I don't care about being different and Yes, I know my health is important enough...I would just rather them notice Jesus in my life and not focus on what I am eating or not eating. And one of my besties knows well to not try to make exceptions or special arrangements for me...don't take this burden on...I will figure out what to eat...I just don't want it to consume me and who I am. Ok, end rant...that is my obstacle focus today.

Joys: Again, no cravings!! I love this. I always buy a little piece of chocolate when I visit Taste of Country (health food store we order food through). Today, I didn't even think about it and when I looked down and saw the chocolate, I didn't even care about it. I did however buy the raw brownie around the corner because I didn't want to miss out on that opportunity!! LOTS of energy again and NO sluggishness, dizziness, headaches today...Whoot!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day Four PRPV

Day Four, went back up 2lbs, for total weight loss of 3lbs.

Today came with an increase of energy. This afternoon instead of feeling ready to take a nap, I had an overdose of energy that I put to use by dancing while I cleaned the church.

Breakfast: 4 Plums

Snack: Raisins

Lunch: Salad of mixed greens & Spinach, Avocado, Cucumber, Tomato, Raisins, and tad-bit of Italian Dressing

Snack: Apple with PB, Honey, and Flax Seed, Banana

Supper: Watermelon, Tortilla Soup (pictured)

Snack: 2 Bananas dipped in Chia Seed

Detox Symptoms: Late morning had slight headache and starting to break-out in usual spot on my face. Otherwise...feel super!!!!

Obstacles: This kind of weird, but my stomach feels empty at times, but not hungry. I really didn't have cravings at all today.

Joys: It was just an easy day and though I feel hungry right now, I don't feel like eating...but I'm going to eat that last snack listed above. No dizziness or light-headedness today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day Three PRPV

Made it! Down 3 more lbs this morning for total of 5lbs. Had some ups and downs today, but probably mixed with stress and too many "irons in the fire."

Breakfast: 1 Coffee, 1 Banana, Smoothie
Snack: 2 Bananas, Red Pear, Clementine, Naval Orange
Snack 2: 1/4 C. Cashews, 1/4C. Pistachios
(I Just felt off this morning and kept trying different things to get rid of the feeling)
Lunch: Oh, Thank the Lord for Taco Del Mar!!! Baja Bowl, no rice, meat, or cheese.
Snack: Freshly Juiced Juice, assorted
Supper: Portobella Mushroom Burger on Wheat with Sauteed Vegetables, Avocado, Tomato, and Spinach with Steamed Asparagus. (Picture above).
Snack: Grapes, and 1 bite of plum. HA!
Detox Symptoms: When I woke up this morning, one of my joints in my fingers was really sore (I have occasionally soreness in this finger, but was noticeably worse and not combined with the neighboring finger as usual). I felt decent all morning but noticed my jaw was hurting like crazy from biting into fruit and eating nuts. I have chronic jaw problems that my chiropractor has helped with A LOT. I hit a wall at about noon when I was far from home for lunch and faced with the decision to eat out AGAIN! I was irritable and becoming quite dizzy and slight headache. As soon as I ate an hour later, I felt a whole lot better. The rest of the day was good except for that weird mouth soreness...more like in my teeth...added with the sore jaw which is all just a little annoying...but bearable compared to the migraines I've had in the past.
Obstacles: Just got real bored with the fruit today and felt like I couldn't satisfy a craving for something I didn't even know that I was craving. Usually it is an avocado, but that wasn't it.
Joys: I drank 54 oz of water today....that is a great accomplishment for me!!! Also I am doing a Garden for Life Detox that friend, Cara, gave me. I've used it off and on, but am going to try to be more consistent and use the rest up until it is gone. I LOVED the Portobello Mushroom Burger. I was pleasently surprised as I tried one many, many years ago and couldn't eat more than one bite. I will definitely be having that again and won't be long that I won't even care about the bun!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day Two PRPV

Day Two Part Raw Part Vegan Complete!! Down 2 lbs this morning. Water weight???

Here's the scoop:

Breakfast: Smoothie (same as yesterday)

Lunch: Ate Out with Grandma, Perkins in Sioux City

Ordered Spinach and Chicken Salad minus the chicken, eggs, and cheese. They ended up charging me for a side salad and added extra for the mushrooms.

Snack: 2 Bananas, Red Pear, Hibiscus Tea

Supper: Watched my family eat at the Valley Drive In and then went home and ate...

Lettuce Greens with Black Bean and Corn Salsa I made a few days ago, topped with Avocado and a teensy bit of Italian Dressing. Whole Wheat Tortilla with Honey.

Snack: Another Banana and coffee (it was Bible Study's just a given).

Possible Detox Symptoms: Woke up quite sluggish with a slight headache. Went away after a cup of coffee...I bad is that??? Felt really great all day. I was worried spending the day with my 93 year-old Grandma would take a lot of concentrating and attention which usually leaves me dizzy and with a headache. Not today! I was clear headed and not super exhausted.

About 20 minutes after I ate supper, I had about 15 minutes of sleepiness that hit me like a brick. It could have been finally sitting down after a really long day too. I ate standing up and finally sat down to enjoy Bible Study. I had to use the potty A LOT today. I was 3:0 with my Grandma....maybe she has an aversion to public restrooms. Had coffee tonight during Bible Study and I feel a little light-headed. Definitely ready to go night-night.

Obstacles: This eating out has got to end!!! The spinach in the spin salad was good, but bland without some extra veggies to top it off. Also, this day was just non-stop and I had a really hard time finding time to eat. I had in the back of my mind that I needed to eat more than yesterday and I actually had to force myself. I think I could have eaten next to nothing and gotten through. The tortilla and honey probably wasn't the best choice, but had a carb/sugar attack...better than my regular Chocolate Chip Cookie from Casey's I guess.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day One PRPV

Day One is so easy, right? The hardest day to start, but the easiest day to complete.

Here's what I ate...

Breakfast at home:

Smoothie made with Banana, Mango, Pineapple, Blueberries, Strawberries, and Spinach.

Coffee (2 cups) Forgot to add to exceptions...weaning off of coffee...slowly (today's weaning was drinking it Black).

Detoxer Tea

Lunch (ended up eating out after rushing to town to see my sister who I hardly ever get to see):

Here's what I ordered at Club Casmo's:

Chef Salad minus the Ham, Cheese, and Egg, Italian dressing on the side.

It ended up being a Lettuce and Tomato Salad. I dipped the salad in dressing for some bites just to add some flavor, about 1 TBS total.



Apple with Raw Peanut Butter and Raw Honey.

Mixed nuts and Dried Cranberries.

Supper (Traveled with my parents to pick up new camper an hour away, so ate out AGAIN):

6" Veggie Sub on Wheat

Kettle Chips - Plain Salted

Evening Snack:

Green Smoothie left over from the smoothie mix I made my sister.

I felt really good up until about 5:00 pm. I noticed that I didn't feel puffy if that makes sense. I had hunger pains....but they felt really good after several months of sugar binging.

I started feeling a slight headache coming on at about 5--5:30. Also felt a little sluggish like I needed to eat something. Nothing major, just noticed it. Also could have been riding in the extended cab of the truck for an hour. I just know it was the only part of the day I didn't feel alert and on-top so to speak.

After supper, I felt really tired about 20 minutes later. I've noticed before when I have eaten Subs. I think it could be the bread. I was going to order a side of Refried Beans for some protein, but the lady kindly informed me they were beef and beans mixed. I guess since I ordered the Veggie sub she assumed I wouldn't want meat. How thoughtful.

Once I got home and in the fresh air, tending the garden and chickens I felt great. As I type, I feel tired and I've noticed my mouth hurts if that makes sense. Like my mouth is really dry or something. TMI??? I drank 32oz of water today which is probably not enough but it is 32 more ounces then I drank yesterday or the day before, etc.

Tomorrow I take my grandma to the city....more eating out. This is a challenge I have run into in the past....finding a good raw salad with greens other than Iceberg! Blech!

I even once was so blessed to find myself at the Gardener's Cafe' in the Art Center. What a find! I long to just doesn't usually fall in the right path between my shopping destinations.

30 Days as a Raw* Vegan*

*Exceptions to follow.

Perfect time to resurrect my junky blog. I am embarking on a journey for 30 days committed to eating a Raw Vegan Diet (exceptions to follow). I would really like to go into the why's, but for fear I will get caught up in time of blogging and lose sight of the goal I will only give these details for the "Why Raw Vegan."

1. Physically: After reading several books on the subject and testimonies from others, I believe this may be THE Best way to eat for optimal health and wellness. I say maybe, because I'm open to change...if I weren't I wouldn't be open to this, right?

2. Emotionally: Honestly, I am addicted to sugar and carbs. Even though when I consume them I feel bogged down, foggy, and lethargic. I want to be mentally alert and not emotionally sluggish and irritable if you know what I mean.

3. Spiritually: I want to be able to have a lifestyle of fasting and prayer and in order to not have a migraine and other sickness everytime I fast, my eating must change so I can transition easier into a fast. Although I am not calling the next 30 days a fast...for whatever reason....I will lean on God every step of the way and offer this up to Him as a sacrifice as I enter a "season" of pressing into Him.

I have decided to blog this 30 Day "Project" for accountability and encouragement. Let me clarify. Accountability is me posting for all to see with the possibility of failing in front of everyone. The encouragement is YOU (anyone reading) urging me on without criticism. :)

I expect as I blog the next 30 days, more of the "why" will come out.

The Rules:

1. Two meals per day are Raw (not cooked)
2. All snacks Raw
3. One meal per day can be Cooked
4. No meat, unless organic, grass-fed (thanks to Thankful Harvest) or my very own farm-raised chickens...but will still be eaten sparingly.
5. No dairy unless Raw Milk or made with Raw Milk....again sparingly.

1. Nuts (Raw will not be necessary as Raw Almonds are nearly impossible to come by)
2. Eggs (Local Farm-Raised only)....sparingly.

That's it. No inspiring writing, fancy words, or bible verses to match up. Keeping it simple so I'll continue on. In the words of Gabriel from The Office, "Ciao'."